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Friday, February 6, 2015

Professor Marketa Trimble Publishes Article on Technology & Marketing Law Blog

Marketa Trimble is a Professor of Law at the William S. Boyd School of Law.

On Jan. 30, she published an article titled, "One Is Not Enough, How Many Is Too Many? How Many Countries’ Copyright Laws Should and Actually Do Apply to Copyright Infringements on the Internet?" on the Technology & Marketing Law Blog.

In the post, she writes, "The sparse number of online infringement cases with claims under multiple countries’ laws might not be surprising to practitioners familiar with the practical obstacles of cross-border litigation. In my forthcoming article, I identify some of the hurdles that prevent copyright owners from claiming simultaneous infringements under the copyright laws of multiple countries. The elimination of these litigation hurdles in cross-border copyright enforcement is one of the goals of several academic projects that seek to create choice-of-law provisions to simplify copyright enforcement and allow copyright owners to enforce their rights in multiple countries simultaneously, and in a single venue."

In her research, Professor Trimble focuses on intellectual property and issues at the intersection of intellectual property and private international law/conflict of laws.