Professor Lipman will travel to Maui to attend the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI) from March 31 to April 3. At the meeting, she will present her paper titled ”Reconciling the Premium Tax Credit: More Complexity for Lower and Middle Income Taxpayers.”
A regional division of the Decision Sciences Institute, the WDSI serves its interdisciplinary academic and business members through the organization of its annual conference and the publication of its Journal of Business and Management. Both encourage the sharing of information and research related to education, business and organizational decisions.
Professor Lipman has written extensively on tax and accounting issues for legal journals, including the Wisconsin Law Review, Florida Tax Review, Virginia Tax Review, Nevada Law Journal, American University Law Review, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Harvard Latino Law Review, Harvard Journal on Legislation, The Tax Lawyer, The Practical Tax Lawyer, Taxes and Tax Notes.