On March 29, Professor McGinley wrote a guest blog post for the Hamilton and Griffin on Rights blog. Her post was titled, "Guest Blog: Ann McGinley, Young v. UPS, Inc.: A Victory for Pregnant Employees?" Her blog post was then featured on SCOTUSblog's "Monday round-up" for March 30.
The blog post reads, "Last week, in Young v. UPS, Inc., __ S.Ct. __ (2015), the Supreme Court decided in favor of the plaintiff-petitioner in a pregnancy discrimination case. The bottom line was more favorable to the plaintiff than to the defendant, and the plaintiff will likely prevail on remand, but the Court managed to confuse disparate treatment and pregnancy discrimination law. This confusion may be harmful to pregnant employees in the future, and may even raise questions about the meaning of discriminatory intent. On the other hand, Young may have a positive effect if it encourages employers to grant accommodations liberally to pregnant employees because of the fear of litigation under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA)."
Professor McGinley is an internationally recognized scholar in the area of employment law, employment discrimination and disability law and a leader in Multidimensional Masculinities Theory, an emerging discipline that applies masculinities theory from social sciences to legal interpretation.