Titled "Patent-Conscious Preparation for a Summer at the Beach," Professor Trimble's guest blog post explains that as the America Invents Act slowly fades as a cocktail party topic, the topic of summer footwear presents opportunities for new patent-spirited discussions. To read more about U.S. patent 8,371,043 and how it provides excellent material for discussion relating to U.S. intellectual property protection for fashion and the value of U.S. patents, click here.
Professor Trimble joined Boyd's full-time faculty in 2010, bringing expertise in Conflict of Laws, Patent Law, Cyberlaw, International Intellectual Property Law, Private International Law, Intellectual Property, Copyright Law, European Union Law, and Comparative Law. She is a graduate of Stanford Law School (J.S.D., 2010; J.S.M., 2006) and the Law School of Charles University in Prague (Ph.D., 2002; JUDr., 2001; and Mgr., 1997).