This week's edition features Professor Terrill Pollman, student Katherine Frank, and alumna Sophia Salas '07.
A founding faculty member of Boyd, Professor Pollman
currently teaches for the law school's legal writing program, which is one of the most highly
regarded programs in the country. Her
instruction has compelled countless students to become effective advocates and
After graduating with a B.A. in Psychology with honors from
Temple University, Frank is now a first-year law student at Boyd.
While living in Philadelphia, she volunteered at a clinic that provides mental
health counseling for children facing anxieties that arise from living in an
urban environment — all while running for Temple’s track and field/cross
country team.
An alumna of both UNLV and Boyd, Salas manages her family recycling business, RenuOil of America, Inc. Under her oversight, the company now services more than 20 Las Vegas hotel and casinos and more than 300 local restaurants. RenuOil was recently recognized as the 2013 Recycling Company of the Year, via the Pinecone GreenUP award.
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