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Monday, August 13, 2012

Professor Sternlight's Psychology for Lawyers Published

The Boyd School of Law is very pleased to announce that Professor Jean Sternlight's latest book, Psychology for Lawyers: Understanding the Human Factors in Negotiation, Litigation, and Decision Making (with Jennifer Robbennolt), was recently published by the American Bar Association.

Lawyers who can harness the insights of psychology will be more effective interviewers and counselors, engage in more successful negotiations, conduct more efficient and useful discovery, more effectively persuade judges and others through their written words, better identify and avoid ethical problems, and even be more productive and happier. Psychology for Lawyers introduces practicing lawyers and law students to some of the key insights offered by the field of psychology. The first part of the book offers a crash course in those aspects of psychology that will be most useful to practicing attorneys, including issues such as perception, memory, judgment, decision making, emotion, influence, communication, and the psychology of justice. The second part applies the insights of research to tasks that lawyers face on a regular basis, including interviewing, negotiating, counseling, and conducting discovery. In addition, the book offers practical suggestions for improving your practice suggestions that are grounded in the science of psychology. In short, by learning more about psychology and how to apply it, lawyers will be more effective, more successful, more ethical, and even happier.

Professor Sternlight serves as the Michael and Sonja Saltman Professor of Law and Director of the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution at Boyd School of Law. Nationally and internationally recognized for her scholarship and law reform activities in the field of dispute resolution, Professor Sternlight has co-authored texts on alternative dispute resolution, arbitration, and mediation, and has published numerous articles in many journals including the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, the Stanford Law Review, and Law and Contemporary Problems.