On March 10, she talked about education in Clark County on KSNV News 3's program Jim Rogers' Nevada.
"What Clark County has done is to actually extend opportunities for children that are very close to graduation. Saturday boot camps in terms of helping them pass the exam. Also, if you happen to be in May and you still don't have your credits, you will get an extra summer, extra time to graduate. And if you still can't make it then, there will be Saturday classes for those children to be able to graduate. All of that was not in place three years ago. And all of that recognizes that some children need extra time in high school, extra support and encouragement to be able to graduate. I think, overall, we're heading in the right direction, and that's good news for all Nevadans," she said.
Professor Lazos is a frequent op-ed contributor, and her expertise is sought by print and broadcast media on a wide range of subjects, including higher education, immigration, race relations, government, voting and initiatives.