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UNLV Boyd Law Blog

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Friday, February 5, 2016

Feb. 4 Boyd Briefs Now Available

The Feb. 4 issue of Boyd Briefs is now available.

This week's edition features Professor Christopher Blakesley, student Elias Askins, and alumnus Kevin Remus '10.

Professor Blakesley is the Cobeaga Law Firm Professor of Law at Boyd. Renowned as a scholar in international and comparative law, Professor Blakesley was a legal advisor in the U.S. Department of State under Henry Kissinger. He is a Barrick Distinguished Scholar, a member of the American Law Institute, and the author of numerous articles and books on topics ranging from terrorism to comparative criminal and family law.

Askins, who will graduate in May, says his plans are to "practice, practice, practice for the bar exam!" Beyond that, he hopes to continue working with a federal agency - just in a new capacity as legal counsel.

Remus is the in-house intellectual property attorney for National Security Technologies, based in Las Vegas. National Security Technologies is the company that manages the Nevada National Security Site for the United States Department of Energy. He has also been a JAG in the Nevada Army National Guard since 2013.

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