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Monday, June 8, 2015

Boyd School of Law Represented at Health Law Professors Conference

Sara Gordon is an associate professor at the William S. Boyd School of Law.

Stacey Tovino is the Lincy Professor of Law at the Boyd School of Law.

Professors Gordon and Tovino recently attended the annual Health Law Professors Conference at the Saint Louis University School of Law. The June 4-6 conference was sponsored by the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 

Professor Gordon, along with Dr. Melissa Piasecki (University of Nevada School of Medicine) and Boyd students Gil Kahn and Dawn Nielsen, presented a talk titled, "Collaborative Learning and Mental Health Law Reform in Alaska."

Professor Tovino presented her paper titled, "No Doctor in the House: A Critique of Medicare Financing of Graduate Medical Education" that was recently published in the Washington & Lee Law Review.

Professor Gordon's research focuses on law and psychology and the impact of cognitive and social psychology on jurors and other legal decision-makers.

Professor Tovino is a leading expert in health law, bioethics, and the medical humanities.